Friday, February 11, 2011


Whenever  I've been at the cross--roads  of  my life, there was one force that always  followed me with a 'Passionate sense of Curiosity'! Actually I really don't know at which point / phase of my life 'SHE' came in....kind of it's been a vibration of sorts. After the doldrums in my life, I stumbled upon HER..and then onwards there's been no looking back. I actually look upon HER as a 'Soulmate'!!!!!And I'm sure that aura of Divinity will surround me, EMPOWER me and stay with me, come what may.
That force I'm raving  about is none other than my driving--force Goddess Saraswathi.

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Pappa Kuttti

Kanamma..YOU're my life, love and ecstasy!!!!! You are the love to me , And I am the magnet to you, You are the holy books of Veda ...