Ma You have left me keep to what would have been the good deed in my past..that has culminated into having become an object of Your Incessant Love?!?!!
Whoever, was I ,in my previous birth or would be in the forthcoming, this One Janma will remain outstanding and magnificent unto the edifice of my Soul....
for this is the birth where I live with You literally.
Borrowing Tennyson’s lines:
{‘ may come and men may go,
But I go on forever.’}
Let anybody enter my life and exit,
But You are always there for me Ma!!!!
Ma, people at times tend to make fun about this ‘craze’ for You..some even think there’s something “attached” to my prayers to You????
Go! tell them Ma that this devotee of Yours is clean in her heart and prays out of her Love and obsession for You!!
All said and done, I Know You & You Know Me Ma.
You were the One who’d been with me through my thick and thin; who had put up with my odds, my weird eccentricity and at times, even stupidity!!
Where were they at that time?
We’ve been travelling together in this journey, where most of my times You’ve been CARRYING me!
My only plea to You my dear Ma, after my demise –whenever it happens- Stay with me, aid me in reaching Your Lotus Feet without any glitch!

As the last Verse of ‘SagalaKala Valli Malai’goes:
“Padaippon Mudalam Vinkanda Deivam
Palkodi Undenum,
Vizhambir Un Por Kankanda Deivam {enakku} Ullatho ?! »
Thanks for everything My Kanamma!!!!!!
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